Minutes - Business Committee

Meeting Venue:

Tŷ Hywel

Meeting date: 7 February 2023

Meeting time: 09.00 - 09.21







Committee Members:

Elin Jones MS, Llywydd (Chair)

Lesley Griffiths MS

Darren Millar MS

Siân Gwenllian MS

Committee Staff:

Graeme Francis (Clerk)

Yan Thomas (Deputy Clerk)

Others in attendance

Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive and Clerk

Siwan Davies, Director of Senedd Business

Siân Wilkins, Head of Chamber and Committee Service

Julian Luke, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service

Helen Carey, Welsh Government



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Llywydd welcomed Members to the meeting. Apologies were received from Jane Dodds and David Rees



2       Minutes of the previous meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for publication



3       Organisation of Business



3.1   This week's business




The Trefyndd confirmed that she will be answering FMQs on behalf of the First Minister this week.


The Llywydd informed Business Managers of her intention to offer the Senedd’s condolences at the beginning of Tuesday’s Plenary meeting to Carolyn Thomas following the death of her son. The Llywydd also notified Business Managers that there will be a camera crew from ABC Australia filming in the public gallery at the start of Tuesday’s meeting.






3.2   Three week timetable of Government Business

The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the following changes:


Tuesday 14 February 2023


·         Statement by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change: The Roads Review and National Transport Delivery Plan (45 mins)

·         LCM on the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill (15 mins) postponed until 28 February


Tuesday 28 February 2023


·         The Non-Domestic Rating (Multiplier) (Wales) Regulations 2023 (155 mins)

·         LCM on the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill (15 mins) postponed from 14 February

·         Debate: President of Welsh Tribunals Fourth Annual Report - April 2021 to December 2022 (30 mins) postponed until 21 March


As a consequence of the postponement of the debate on the LCM on the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill, the Business Committee agreed to extend the reporting deadline for committees to 27 February 2023. The Committee also agreed in principle to refer the further Supplementary LCM (No.5) anticipated on the same Bill to the Local Government and Housing Committee and the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee with the same reporting deadline.



3.3   Three week timetable of Senedd Business

Business Committee agreed to make the following additions:


Wednesday 8 March 2023 –




4       Legislation



4.1   Correspondence from the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee regarding the Health Service Procurement (Wales) Bill timetable

Business Committee agreed the proposed timetable for scrutiny of the Health Service Procurement (Wales) Bill. In doing so, the Committee noted the Health and Social Care Committee’s concerns regarding the shortened period for Stage 1 scrutiny and the fact that the Stage 2 tabling deadline will fall during a half term recess. Business Committee noted that this would necessitate an earlier tabling deadline for amendments at Stage 2.



4.2   Correspondence from the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee regarding the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill LCM

Business Committee noted the relevant recommendation made by the LJC Committee as part of its report on the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill LCM, which proposes a review of the Senedd’s Standing Orders in relation to the practical effect of the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Business Committee agreed to consider the recommendation further as part of planned work on Post-Brexit procedural reforms.



5       Review of proxy voting



5.1   Feedback from Member consultation

Business Committee noted the responses to its consultation on proxy voting with current and former Members and agreed to consider a paper reviewing the trial of proxy voting for parental leave at the following meeting, before subsequently considering possible extensions to provisions.




6       Any other business

Legislative Consent Memoranda


Following an oral update from the Trefnydd, Business Committee agreed to:



Business Committee discussed preparatory work underway within the Welsh Government on the implications of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill for the Government and the Senedd.





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